The innovative leadership and organizational practices of Alpha Phi's Founders in 1872 set the spirit for the Alpha Phi of today ... a sisterhood that values the past but looks forward to the progress offered by the future. Alpha Phi’s historical collections provide a glimpse into this past, and the lives of Alpha Phi women, and the collegiate experience in North America since the late-19th century. Explore the historical collections here.
EXPLORE COLLECTIONWe proudly share stories and moments that have created the legacy of sisterhood originally launched by our ten founders and which we still hold dear today.
READ STORYLearn about major events and trends throughout the history of Alpha Phi since its founding in 1872.
EXPLORE TIMELINEMore than 268,000 women have become members of Alpha Phi throughout its history and 224 collegiate chapters have been established, 175 of which are active today. Search by collegiate chapter or individual member.