This page contains 21 clippings describing University of Colorado policies for coeducation and campus life at the university, including musical and dance performances, YWCA activities, parties and social events, student government, honor societies, and the campus yearbook.
Music and Dancing Feature of Mixer Newspaper Clipping, c. 1924-1932
Cabinet Members of Y.W.C.A. Assume More Responsibility Newspaper Clipping, c. 1924-1932
Y.W.C.A. to Proposes Changes in Program Newspaper Clipping, c. 1924-1932
Over 1,000 Students Attend Annual Mixer Newspaper Clipping, c. 1924-1932
Board Elected to Choose Coed Police Newspaper Clipping, c. 1924-1932
Coed Tennis Starts Soon Newspaper Clipping, c. 1924-1932
Frosh Coeds to Wear Badges in Place of Scarfs Newspaper Clipping, c. 1924-1932
First Coed Tennis Game Scheduled Newspaper Clipping, c. 1924-1932
All Toyland Is Drafted for Coed Vaudeville Saturday Newspaper Clipping, c. 1924-1932
Members of Freshman Commission Will Be Announced Next Week Newspaper Clipping, c. 1924-1932
Davis Selects All Senior Committees Newspaper Clipping, c. 1924-1932
Nominations Made for Y.W. Cabinet Newspaper Clipping, c. 1924-1932
Hesperia Announces Pledging of Thirteen Second Year Women Newspaper Clipping, c. 1924-1932
University Passes on All Applicants for Graduate Degrees Newspaper Clipping, c. 1924-1932
Senior Board Names All Class Officers Newspaper Clipping, c. 1924-1932
Nominations Made for W.A.A. Board Newspaper Clipping, c. 1924-1932
Marjorie Sullivan Chosen W.A.A. Head in Election Tuesday Newspaper Clipping, c. 1924-1932
Yearbooks Here for Distribution Among Students Newspaper Clipping, c. 1924-1932