This page contains a list officers for the Epsilon Chi Chapter Nu class of new members. The page also contains a photograph of two teddy bears, a mug, and a bottle of champagne.
Epsilon Chi Chapter
1984 - 1985
Chapter OfficersNew Member OfficersNew MembersTeddy Bears
Bleakley, Robyn Tracey WoodsCarpenter, Gina GarrettChiesa, Jill LivingstonEplin, Cheri LynnFlorez, Erin KennedyFrappia, Theresa Marie WilhoitGallo, Karyn Morgan KjeldsenGiacomazzi, Gina MarieHarrison, Vikki Renee KastnerHobert, Tori BairdJaeb, Katherine Ruth FanoeLautze, Suzanne WilsonMcIntosh, Elizabeth Ruth McManisPhelan, Lisa GelhaarSutherland, Katherine SuzanneWilliamson, Wendy IaYawn, Lisa Beth Filutze
San Luis Obispo, California
Epsilon Chi
California Polytechnic State University
1980s20th Century