This article features a number of photographs of the Milwaukee Alumnae Chapter celebrating Founders' Day with a Alpha Phi history pageant.
Oct 23rd, 1949
AlumnaeAlumnae Chapter EventsAlumnae ChaptersCardiac Aid FoundationCostumesFashionFoundersFounders' DayFounders' Day EventsHistorical PageantsMarriagePhilanthropyWomen's Rights
Bassett, Abigail ShayFunk, Lura DavisonSirotkin, Harriet StallmanSlauson, MarilynVanPatten, Jean DirksVonGrossmann, Leanore DanielsonWingate, Elizabeth SingletonWittenberg, Jean Andrae
Newspaper Clipping
DePauw UniversityUniversity of MichiganUniversity of South DakotaUniversity of Wisconsin
1940s20th Century