This cassette tape features a chant performed by the new field consultants, as well as several Alpha Phi and recruitment skit songs.
Alpha Phi ChantsAlpha Phi Shuffle (Chant)Alpha Phi SongsAlpha Phi, I Love You (Song)Field ConsultantsFriendshipMr. Sandman (Song)MusicNothing (Song)Phis Glorious Phis (Song)RecruitmentRecruitment SkitsRecruitment SongsSingingSkits and PlaysThe Heart of Alpha Phi (Song)The Lily (Song)
Cassette Tape
Beta AlphaBeta DeltaDelta ChiDelta MuZeta DeltaZeta MuZeta Phi
Colorado State UniversityIowa State UniversityMassachusetts Institute of TechnologyPurdue UniversityUniversity of California, Los AngelesUniversity of IllinoisWilliam Woods University
20th Century