In celebration of Alpha Phi’s 150th Anniversary in 2022, we proudly share stories and moments that have created the legacy of sisterhood originally launched by our ten founders and which we still hold dear today.
This is story 6 of 150.
Door Stacks
In the 1980s chapters across the country celebrated their love for their sisters through performance. The tradition of forming door stacks began on some campuses first as lawn dances. These choreographed performances included music and plenty of fun as the dances were rehearsed and performed on campus quads or in front of sorority houses.
The tradition evolved, and the celebration moved indoors – right inside the door, to be specific. To form door stacks, members stack themselves one on top of the other, or next to each other, forming rows and facing outward. When the entire door frame is filled, the women often chant or sing while waving and clapping. The tradition varies, with some campuses embracing door stacks while others opt for other festivities.
Door stacks have been performed as part of recruitment, to welcome or bid farewell to sisters and in honor of special moments. Full of cheer and enthusiasm, the tradition is one of which members have fond memories.
This video showcases the Beta Epsilon-Arizona chapter performing one of their songs welcoming new sisters.