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This newsletter, written for Michigan Alumnae Chapters, includes information about the upcoming Michigan State Day, the newly incorporated Alpha Phi Colony at Northwood Institute, and the 1984 Convention where a number of awards were presented to Michigan chapters.
Collection: Theta Chapter Archive Collection
Date: 1984 - 1985
This program gives the menu and lists the speakers for the 1968 Convention Candlelight Banquet.
Collection: Beta Mu Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: Jun 23rd, 1968
Collection: Publications
Date: 1973
This article includes a photograph of Corpus Christi alumnae.
Collection: Publications
Date: 1973
These notes about Michigan State Day 1985 include information about the venue, luncheon, and number of registered attendees. The notes also include a list of people to call in preparation for the event.
Collection: Theta Chapter Archive Collection
Date: 1985
These notes provide an overview of collegiates and alumnae chapters attending Michigan State Day 1985.
Collection: Theta Chapter Archive Collection
Date: 1985