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This page contains two clippings describing an Alpha Phi District Workshop held at the University of Nebraska and the induction of new members into Mortar Board, as well as three invitations to weddings.
Collection: Beta Gamma Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1954 - 1958
This page contains five clippings discussing the finalists for the Engine Ball queen, Panhellenic and interfraternity governance and events, recruitment, and a wedding.
Collection: Beta Gamma Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1954 - 1958
This page contains three newspaper clippings discussing finalists for the CU Days King and Queen, upcoming plans for fraternity and sorority spring formals, and preparations for the annual Phi Delt Turtle Race.
Collection: Beta Gamma Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1954 - 1958
This page contains three newspaper clippings discussing the selection of the 1957 Homecoming queen, a card identifying the Homecoming theme as "The Roaring Twenties," and a fourth newspaper clipping announcing the name of a new chaperone for the Beta Gamma Chapter house.
Collection: Beta Gamma Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1957
This page contains three newspaper clippings, the largest of which announces a visit from Edith Shelton to Beta Gamma Chapter. Two additional clippings describe a Pi Kappa Alpha barn dance and an interfraternity debate about deferred recruitment.
Collection: Beta Gamma Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1957
This page contains a clipping describing a Panhellenic installation banquet to honor outgoing and incoming presidents and recruitment chairmen at the University of Colorado.
Collection: Beta Gamma Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1958
This page features a cover from a University of Colorado Panhellenic handbook, a photograph of Panhellenic President Nancy Wolle, and a handwritten list of her campus activities.
Collection: Beta Gamma Chapter Scrapbook Collection
Date: 1958